Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party at Freestone

I have failed to download my pictures yet, but thanks to Erica (who sent them to me already) here are some pictures from the Halloween party on Saturday night.
Batman (Talon)Supergirl(Hailey)BatBaby(Lacy)The whole Gang!!
Thomas(Tyler), Power Ranger(Aiden), Batman(Talon), Supergirl(Hailey), Bindi(Sydney), Cow(Braden), BatBaby(Lacy)Another shot with Supergirl flying highI think they're ready to go to the park!!

The best part of the whole night was when Talon took off his batman costume while we were in line to get into the park. He was taking a bit of crap for not even making it into the park with his costume on. He took it for a little while, then he said, "When Batman takes off his bat costume, he's Bruce Wayne." You go kid!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pool Party in October!!

Come swimming for the last time this year!! We've had the solar cover on the pool, but this will probably be the last weekend to enjoy it. Our pool, jacuzzi and BBQ grill will be open from 11:00-4:00, and then Joe will go to the ASU game and the rest of us will head over to Freestone Park for the Halloween Bash. Let me know if you can make it!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Schnepf Farms

Last Saturday night we took the family to Schnepf Farms and had a great time. We didn't take too many pictures because we were just standing in lines most of the time. Talon went on the Bee ride with TJ and had a blast, but I couldn't get a good picture of them. :( Hailey rode with her dad, and I made them pick a bee right in front of me so that I could get a picture before the ride started. I don't know if you can tell, but that's a thumbs up from Hailey.Our kids REALLY wanted to go on the roller coaster, even though we told them that they would be scared. We stood in that line for about 45 minutes and Talon started crying LOUD as soon as it was over. He promised Joe that next time he'll believe us we tell him that he'll be scared. Hailey was a little bit better and didn't cry, but after the first time around (it goes 3 times) she said, "I want my daddy." I assured her that I would not let her go, and after it was over she told me that she did NOT like dat ride! While we were in line for the roller coaster Talon "borrowed" my camera and took some pictures. These pictures are unedited (except for a little red eye removal).
He is available for your wedding, or any other event if you need a good photographer who gets very excited when he takes pictures of dirt, the wheel of the stroller, his (or strangers) shoes, the back of strangers heads or garbage. He is very good at getting the main object in the center though. :-)
Adelina & JackieTJ, Lilly, JJ & FrankieLilly's baby NoahWhat Lacy and I look like from Talon's viewpoint

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Best Friend, or not

I don't remember what I did to cause this, but I'm sure I didn't deserve it...

Hailey: mommy you no my best friend (grumpy face)
Me: Yes I am
Hailey: no u not, daddy my best friend
Joe: I love you Hailey, you're my best friend
Hailey: See mommy!!
Me: (Grumpy face)

The kids first field trip

Friday morning we all went to the Pumpkin Patch for the kids first school field trip. Here are a few pictures we took while we were there.
The kids got to go through a maze made out of bales of hay, but Joe had quite the advantage on this one.Then, we got to go on a Hayride (Hailey, me, Lacy, Talon & Ava)And here we after the rideAfter that, the kids got to feed some animals
Then they got to decorate some pumpkins

Of course we have to include some pictures of Lacy :0)And on our way out Grandma Dairman took a picture of our family, and one with Ava

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tag...I'm it.

Thanks Tawna, I was just thinking that I didn't have enough to do today. :-)

5 Things That I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:
1. Buying my first, very own home
2. Working at NHC
3. Dating Joe
4. Eating out all of the time instead of cooking every night!
5. A LOT less laundry!

5 Things On My "To Do" List For Today:
1. Pick up the kids and go to the gym
2. Pick up the whole house (the cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow)
3. At least one load of laundry...
4. Glue that dang bow I made last night onto a clippie so it can finally be finished! (That one was a stinker!!)
5. Spend some time with my amazing husband!

5 Things I Like To Snack On: (that are allowed on this diet)
1. String cheese
2. Peanuts
3. Carb smart ice cream bars
4. Pickles
5. I can't think of another one...

5 Things That I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire:
1. Bring Tim, Tina and the boys home for Christmas.
2. Take the whole family to Germany to visit Tim, Tina and the boys.
3. Pay off debt (the whole family's?? depending on on many millions we're talking about. :))
4. Remodel my bathroom
5. Save a bunch for my kids college funds.

5 Places That I Have Lived:
1. Mesa, Arizona
2. Chandler, Arizona
3. Gilbert, Arizona
4. Fort Walton Beach, Florida

5 Jobs That I Have Had:
1. Attitude's - waitress
2. Serigraphia (printing business in FL)
3. NHC - Staff Accountant
4. APEXCapital - Account Manager (current)
5. MOMMY & Softball Coach (current)

5 People That I Tag:
1. Laurie
2. Jennifer
3. Tairi
4. Courtney
5. Molly (you eventually have to write SOMETHING on that brand new blog!)


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yeah Talon!!

Last night Talon graduated from his class at Swim Kids and gets to move up another level!! He is doing such a great job! He is now in Silver Junior. Sorry about the bad picture. I wasn't prepared and had to use my phone. :-) In order to get the kids into the correct classes at the same time, we have to move to Wednesday nights, but I think they are both going to love their new teachers!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy 1/2 Birthday Lacy!!

Lacy had her official 1/2 birthday on Thursday, and I took her to her appointment on Friday. She got three shots and had to drink the roto virus immunization. She weighed in at 14lbs 10oz. Her doctor said that she is the size of a 4 month old. She also had an ear infection in both ears. She's had a runny nose for about a week, and hasn't been sleeping very well, so I wasn't surprised about that.

He is concerned that she hasn't gained much weight (I'm going to have to look up what she weighed at 4 months) and said that we should already be at stage 2 foods with her. We have only been giving her rice cereal because the oatmeal was causing constipation. Plus, the brand of rice cereal we've been giving her apparently has milk proteins in it. Bad mommy. Bad substitute doctor we saw last time. We don't like him, and we won't see him again.

Anyway, we are supposed to introduce three new "stage one" foods a week until she has had them all. I don't remember doing that until the others were six months old, but I guess her weight is the main concern now. She is in the 25%, and I think I remember she was in the 50% last time.

Over the weekend she tried Sweet Potatoes (which she loved) and Peaches (which she did not).
UPDATE: I just looked it up and she was in the 25% in both her height and weight last she is 25% in weight and 50% in height. I think that's better right?? Anyway, different doctors = different opinions.

Our Weekend - Hair, Bows and Softball

OK, so I started a new hobby. First I went HERE and bought some headbands because, well...let's be a little realistic...there is NO WAY I could make those. :-) Then I made some bows. Here is my first attempt being modeled by Princess Hailey. (Please excuse the chocolate under her mouth). She normally won't let me put any flowers or bows in her hair without a LOT of persuasion, but she liked this one so much she wouldn't even let me take it out when she went to sleep last night.I wasn't pleased with my button choices at the house, so we made a trip to Micheals, and here is my second attempt being modeled by Lacy. I think this one turned out MUCH cuter.Here is a variation of a hairdo that I found HERE. Joe told me that he thought it was one of the cuter ones we've done. Awesome, because it was one of the easiest ones too, even though my parts were horribly crooked. I also played softball on Saturday. Our tournament was in Anthem, and dang was it cold!! We played at 2:00 (really nice), 4:00 (getting chilly), and 5:00 (are you kidding me with this cold?) Joe brought the kids to the last game and they were sooo cold they ended up taking cover in the stands by the field next to ours. The wind was CRAZY and we weren't prepared for that at all!

Oh yeah, we sucked and lost all three of our games. :-(

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Her father's daughter

Yesterday after work I picked the girls up from the sitters, and Hailey wanted to sit in Talon's car seat. What the heck, they're the same size, so I let her. Then we drove around the corner to my in-laws house to pick up Talon. I left the girls in the car, and ran in to get him.

He was playing with Gavin's Lego's. He wanted to take them with him. I said no. He was upset about that. I carried him to the car. I set him down and opened the car door. "NO! I don't want to sit in Hailey's seat! You shouldn't have let her sit in mine!" I strapped him in anyway. We said goodbye to Grandma Charlotte and drove away. Talon yelled over and over again, "I don't want to sit in Hailey's seat! I don't want to sit in Hailey's seat!" Until he fell asleep. I guess he was tired. ;-)

After he fell asleep Hailey started fake crying and making fun of him, "Me no wanna sit in Talon's seat! Me no wanna sit in Talon's seat!" We had a good laugh and she told me that she would never EVER EVER sit in his seat again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matching Aprons

I have mentioned to Joe lately that I wanted an apron. He told me to get one. So I went here and found one that I loved, when I saw a matching one for Hailey I couldn't resist. I have to tell you that I KNOW I look horrible here, but I just got home from the gym, and Hailey was sooo excited she didn't want to wait until I took a shower.Then Joe gave Hailey a pan and a spoon, as props, and she added the plastic bag to stir it. :-)

I polished Hailey's nails black and orange for Halloween last night, and decided to do the same to my blog.

Happy Halloween!!

Another Hairdo

This one took a little bit longer than the others, and I cheated. According to The Gwen the ponies should start at the bottom and be added to the next one up as you go. I could tell right away that Hailey would not have sat for that long, so I made all of my ponies first, put pomade on them, and then brought them up (crossing them over) one at a time, adding another rubber band every time I added a pony. I can see clearly now that I should have added the pomade to all of her hair from the about some fly aways! =)
Anyway, she loved this one and loved the wormy buns I finished it off with. They were even cuter when I took them out the next day and they were super curly, but (of course) I forgot to take a picture of that.

I got more pictures of this one than I normally do because for some reason, she loved posing for me that night. :-)
From the backFrom the topFrom the back/sideFrom the frontWith her brotherAnd a silly one

babies and boys

Molly brought her kids over on Friday night for dinner and swimming. Yep, we're still swimming at our house. With the solar cover the water is still nice and warm. :-) Here are a couple of cute pictures of the girls. Can you tell who's two weeks older??I didn't take any of the boys, because they didn't sit still for two seconds...except when they were eating their pizzoockies (sp?). Here's a little conversation I would like to share with you from that night:

Molly: I said don't play tag in the house!
Her boys: K mom. K mom.
Talon: We're not playing tag, we're playing TOUCH SOMEONE...RUN!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Halloween costumes??

Mom sent me this picture last week of the kids playing dress up at her house. What do you think??
A fire truck princess and an incredible spiderman. I think they are excellent costumes!! :-)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gym membership

Joe got us signed up for a gym on the 30th. Woohoo.

No really, it should be great. Joe has already been twice.

I suck. I have not gone.

I will go today. Woohoo.

I don't like people. I don't like people watching me when I flop around. I do however, like to watch other people. Maybe I can focus on that.

Joe said the cardio equipment has individual TV screens on them, and if you bring headphones you can watch (and hear) anything you want while you run. I barely jog.

Apparently, the kids LOVE the play area. That's good. They even take Lacy. That's great! Joe and I can work out together if we want to.

That could be pressure. Maybe pressure is good.

Joe is a runner. I am not.

I do not feel motivated about this. Maybe I'll feel better after I go.


I have updated my settings so that those of you who do not have a blogger account will be able to post a comment. There is a word verification now, which is supposed to reduce the spam I got before when I tried to do this.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our 5th Anniversary

I just know you've all been wondering why in the world we missed Carina's birthday party...right?

I'm not a writer, or and English major. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and fluency are not my friends, but I will try my best to help you feel like you were there with us on our adventure.

Joe and I took the kids to my mom's house on Saturday and headed off to a really nice resort in Green Valley, AZ. We've been north for our anniversary before, so this time we tried something different and went south.

The trip didn't start out so great. We planned on stopping at Bennigan's on our way through Tucson. Joe has really been missing their Monte Cristo sandwich since the Mesa location closed about 8 or 10 years ago. We drove, turned around, drove, turned around and finally stopped at a hotel that had a banner over the old restaurant sign in front. We asked inside and found out that Bennigan's have closed all of their restaurants in the U.S. =(

We were bummed.

We decided to check into the hotel and see what there was to eat there. As we drove up to the hotel it was beautiful. It was surrounded by a golf course and everything was really green and looked great! As we walked up to the front door, this is what we saw.

Ok, so maybe you can't really tell what's going on there, just in case you aren't as freaked out as I was at this point, let me show you a closeup of (what were told) is a mesquite beetle. I'm pretty sure they didn't know what they were talking about though, because this is not what I found when I googled it. Anyway, I asked the important questions when we were checking in; do they bite - no; do they fly - yes. We were also told by one girl, who happens to love bugs, that even she does not like these bugs. They told us it was a lot worse three or four days ago. Excellent! We were also told that when they got on you...oh good grief!...their feet with stick to your clothes. I looked a Joe. He looked at me. I took a breath. We were only there for one night. We already had an excellent rate. What the heck. We checked in, and asked for a late check-out for the following day. Got it...1:00.

We ate at the restaurant on the golf course. It was OK, and reasonably priced.

It was hard to pretend that the bugs weren't there, but they were mostly stuck to the building, or smashed on the sidewalk, dead. We walked around and saw the gym and the pool. We went to our room, changed, and went down to the pool. The swimming pool had those bugs in the bottom of it. We chose the hot tub instead, where we met a very nice couple with two little girls.

We went back to our room, showered, and decided to go into the town of Green Valley for dinner. The nice bug girl at the front desk helped us pick a restaurant. It was OK too.

Here is where the story gets crazy.

I had talked Joe into getting a pedicure (it only took me 10 years together to convince him it would be OK) and so after dinner we pulled up to a place to see if it would be opened the following afternoon. I got out of the car to see the sign. I got back in the car.

We drove for a while and there was a beetle on my jeans!! "Joe!!"He flicked it.

I need to apologize for what happened next.

"Are you freaking kidding me?? (as I am now sitting on my feet) You flicked it?? Now we have no idea where it is!! Holy crap!! I can't believe you did that!!!" The dome light comes on, Joe mumbles something about probably killing it when he flicked it, but I can barely hear. I am in full freak out mode now. To say I was hyperventilating would probably be an understatement, and Joe is ticked. He did something when I was frozen, and he is still driving. That should count for something, but I cannot stop yelling and FREAKING out!!

There is one on my shirt!!

Joe grabs it with his bare hand, rolls down his window and throws it out onto the highway. I'm still not breathing. I can't think. I should say thank you. I don't realize it. My feet eventually are back on the floor board. I feel something on my foot. My purse gets it's A$$ kicked, and my flip flops are somewhere down there tangled with my purse.

I try to breathe. There are tears. The dome light is still on. I mumble something about needing medication. I think I told Joe thank you for throwing that one out, but I can't be sure. I feel like they are everywhere.

There is another one!!

It's on the phone charger cord. I'm sure that's the one that was on my foot, thank God, because I wasn't sure how I was going to get rid of that purse, without touching it, or anything in it. Joe grabbed that one, rolled down his window again, and threw it out.

Somewhere during all of that we drove up to a movie theatre and looked at the movies. I cannot tell you one single movie that was playing. We decided not to get out of the car. There were people out there!! Are they crazy??

We also drove to a grocery store. Joe wanted Diet Mountain Dew and some snacks for our room. I could not get out of the car. I told Joe that he could go. He decided not to...there was a soda machine in the workout room.

We drove up to the building our room was in. There was a man opening the double doors with his card. We got out and followed him in. He turned down a hallway. I pushed the elevator button. The doors were still open, and the beetles were flying everywhere!! It was a nightmare! This can't really be happening!! Wouldn't they close for something like this? Joe was fighting them off with a piece of paper. Actually hitting them in midair!! It was an eternity before the elevator doors finally opened. We got in, he was guarding the doorway with his paper, and I hit the "door shut" button about a gazillion times. The doors closed. We checked each other. We were good. We got out on the third floor went in our room and did not venture out until morning. It was only 8:00!!

The next morning as we got out of the elevator, the dead bugs were alarming. They were everywhere!! Seriously people, Vacuum!! Here is a video of the light fixture in our building.

We ate breakfast, packed up and checked out at 10:30.

We stopped at three places in Green Valley to try to get that pedicure. They were all closed on Sunday's. I was not giving up. I mistakenly had Joe get off the freeway in Tucson. I figured all you have to do is find a grocery store, because there is always a nail place in those strips. We were in Tucson for about 45 minutes and found one nail place - closed; and one grocery store - free standing. We got back on the highway, and I apologized to Joe for making him get off in that town. He laughed. We did not try again until we were at Gilbert and Ocatillo (or something like that). We finally found a place open and we both got pedicures!! HOORAY!! Joe didn't think it totally sucked either. =)

I think next time we'll go back up north.