Monday, September 22, 2008

A very productive sick day

I was sick with a cold on Thursday and decided to keep my germs at home. Since I was too sick to go to work, I was too sick to watch the kids (Right?), so they went to school and to my mom's house as usual. The cold medicine that I took made it impossible for me to lay on the couch all day, so I decided to get some stuff done. I could say that i forgot to take any "before" pictures, but I would be lying - I was just too embarrassed of how bad things had gotten. Laundry is a job that is Never done around our house. So, in between sneezing, blowing my nose, and keeping up on my medicine (every 4 hours on the dot) I did load after load all day until I finally got my laundry room almost as good as it did the day we moved in.While I was pregnant I started boxing everything that was too small, in order to make more room for fat and maternity clothes in my closet and hutch. This had gotten completely out of control, because, as I have been losing weight I had accumulated a mixture of maternity, fat, fatter, and fattest clothes in my closet and hutch, plus about 6 or 7 boxes of clothes that I had stacked next to the hutch...ridiculous! I went through my hutch and tried on every piece of clothing in pile for too small, one for too big, one for maternity and the rest back in the closet or hutch - folded nicely of course. =) Here is what the hutch ended up looking like when I was done.Here is the closet, and yes I realize that some of it is still not that great, like the bag of dry cleaning that is getting much too large to still be in the closet, or the shoes that are just sort of stuffed into their slots, but I am proud none the less. The only clothes in there are ones that fit me now.And now we have room to add to our 6 month food storage (after all, we are only 1/2 Mormon).

Here is a shot of the two boxes that were left of clothes that are still too small (or too ridiculous looking) to wear yet.And a shot of the clothes that were too big, in my trunk, to take for others to sort through before giving them away.I didn't give away the maternity clothes though. They are safely in bins in the garage to pass on to the next family member who gets knocked up.

I also cleaned the corner of my room that is dedicated to Lacy. I removed the changing pad from the pack-n-play to give her more room to sleep, turned it the other direction, and cleaned her shelves off a bit. She was scooting down and running her feet into the wall every night and I was tired of getting up to move her back up. =) Check out the empty hamper!!

It's crazy how much you can get done in one day with no kids, even as sick as a dog! That night, as I was picking up my kids, Jennifer made dinner for my dad's birthday and mom made him a cake. From left to right is Hailey (cute hair I know), Sydney, Talon (always without a shirt), Lacy (getting in on the action on grandpa's lap), Tyler and Braden.


Anonymous said...

You were more productive on your sick day than I am most days! I am impressed with your food storage, I am 100% mormon and only have about that much as you are more faithful than I! Hope that you are feeling better! Taya and I want to have you and Joe over for a barbeque at Taya's house. We could invite Summer too and all the kids, hubbies, sound like fun?!

laurie said...

wow, you are a machine. If you get sick again, come my way. I have felt like crap all day and I've done nothing but lay around in bed. What medicine was that??

Kathy said...

I just looked at my Costco reciept and it says "KS SUD 3X144" $6.45. The back of the pill sheet that I have in my purse says "Nasal Decongestant PE Tablets / Phenylephrine HCl 10mg"

Don't take it at night though, or you will be up the WHOLE time!!

Erica said...

Wow! Very impressive! Sometimes you just need to have one of those days where you get it all done. Unfortunately, I haven't done that since we moved to the new house, and we have some major re-organizing to do too! Good job-it looks great!

Erica said...

You should have pointed out...this picture is just before your father gave CHOCOLATE to your allergy-filled 5 month old baby! Way to go, Grandpa! :-)