Weight Loss UpdateIt has been 6 weeks since
THIS post. I am proud to say I have not gained any weight back, but I have not lost any more weight either. Maintaining is much easier than losing! I am still working full time, coaching softball in the afternoons and making it to the gym a few nights a week to work out with Joe. I am pretty tired, but my new jeans still fit, in fact I think I could go down a size!
SoftballThis past weekend the softball team drove to Page for a double header. I did not go. 5 hour bus ride there + 2 games + 5 hour bus ride home = No thanks! The team won both games, and I got to spend the weekend with my family! :o) Seton is now 6-0!!
A new roommateA girl that Joe works with turned 18 last week and was kicked out of her house. She is still in high school. She is now living in our spare bedroom/computer room. She doesn't have a lot of space, little to no privacy and our kids make it practically impossible for her to sleep in. Yet, she is very appreciative and respectful, and the kids ♥ her. Welcome to our house
Joe's BirthdayJoe is turning 33 on Thursday. Not only do I not have a gift for him...I have NO IDEA what to get him. Really, NO IDEA! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Send them to
kdairman@apexcapital.com so Joe will not see them, and I can pretend that I came up with them on my own. Seriously!