Lacy Marie was born on 4/9/08 at 6:21 pm. She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 19 inches long. I went in for a normal Dr. appt on Wednesday morning and my doctor and I were both surprised to find that I was dialated to 5cm and 80% effaced. He asked me if I was in labor, and I told him that I didn't think so. =) He put me on a monitor and found that the contractions were 5-9 minutes apart, so he sent me to the mall to walk around and then check into the hospital. I went home and picked up my bag, picked up Joe from work and we went to the mall, walked around, had lunch and headed to the hospital. We checked in around 2:00 and I was at 7 cm. My contractions were still not great though, so the doctor came by and said that he would come back after business hours and break my water to speed things up. He broke my water at 5:11 and I had some serious labor for about an hour, pushed through three contractions, and Lacy was born at 6:21.
My parents were great and brought the kids that same evening to see their new little sister. They were so excited!! I can already tell that we are going to have our hands full with Hailey. She says "my baby Lacy" and wants to do EVERYTHING. She didn't want anyone else to do anything for Lacy while she was's really cute. She's going to be a great little helper.
My mom came back with the kids on Thursday afternoon to see their sister again, and this time Hailey actually let Talon hold her too.
I love this picture showing how excited Talon and Hailey are about their baby sister Lacy.
Congrats!!!! I'm so excited that everything went so well. HOw are you doing? If you need anything please call! Love you guys! JIll
Wow, she is so cute and how great is your "labor story". you should be having a dozen more! we are so excited for you, can't wait to hold her. Take care of yourself!
Congratulations!!! We are very happy and excited for you guys. Sorry we could not come to the hospital and visit you guys. I feel bad about that especially after you both came to the hospital to see us. Take care and if there is anything I can do let me know. The offer still stands to watch Talon and Hailey.
congratulations!!! i didnt even know there was a #3 on the way--that is so exciting and love the name very cute!!!!
btw joe, this world is so small your sis had my bro over for dinner in atlanta--is that funny or what, dallas is serving in georgia and flo supposedly is in the same ward--too funny!!
I love the pictures! I especially love how excited Talon and Hailey are! Sorry G'pa and G'ma Dairman were here visiting me and weren't able to help you. I am excited to meet Lacy in July!
And yes, Stephanie Skinner Hatch is right! Her brother is serving in the ward we are now in here in Atlanta. Small world!
Hey there! Just came across your blog and am so exicted for your new addition! What adorable kids! You all look so very happy! If you ever want to check our my blog it is
Tawna Mower
Awww! So sweet pictures! Lacy is so precious...kiss her tons and take tons of pictures! As you know, they grow way too fast.
Congratulations on Hailey's baby, Lacy!! Kathy, you have the best deliveries!! We are so happy for you!
Congratulations!!! You have very cute kids! There is nothing like a new little baby and the spirit they bring to a home. You guys have a great family!
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