Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Update: When I said "new" formula, I meant the GOLD that we've been giving her. =) Although, we have been able to get it quite a bit cheaper from Ebay than from the manufacturer (I just don't want to think about how the sellers are obviously getting the formula for free...we MUST be getting stolen formula). Anyway, we are paying about $25/can, which is the same as the other stuff costs to buy it in the store.
Here are a couple of recent pictures of Lacy. She's doing pretty dang good on the new formula. =) She even looks a little bit chubby in a couple of the pictures!And here is one of Hailey...because what's a blog without one right??


laurie said...

Awww, she's smiling! I didn't realize you had switched her formula,that's exciting. So are you going to Hawaii with the money you'll save?!?!

Tairi said...

Sooo cute! She is getting so big. I love this age! I alos love Haileys hair in this pic :)